Our Mission
“Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.”
– Friday Night Lights
We Win’s mission is to raise money to help those recovering from neurological injuries afford rehabilitation services.
Physical therapy is the one and only proven treatment for many of these disabling injuries and illnesses (spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke, brain tumor, neurodegenerative disorders, etc.). But, therapy costs are astronomical, and insurance will only cover a limited number of the therapy sessions needed for any progress following an injury. We Win is a volunteer-based nonprofit that awards grants for therapy to applicants who meet certain criteria including physical need for therapy and financial need for assistance.
Therapy can be life-changing because even a slight gain in therapy can mean a significant improvement in quality of life, or a way to keep the body limber and healthy. So, everyone who needs therapy, deserves to have access to it. We also aim to help individuals and their families navigate these difficult times that can feel very isolating. Above all, we want to inspire hope in these individuals and empower them to thrive, and to win.