Verna’s Story

My story began Aug. 6, 2017. That Sunday morning, I got up, as usual, to get ready for church, nothing was different and everything seemed fine. I left for service that morning. But oddly, after service, I was confused about how I would get home from church. I had to pull over and put my home info into the GPS to get home. Later that evening, we were having company over for dinner and a movie.
I started staggering, couldn’t figure out what was going on, so then I laid down for a few minutes. While lying there, I drifted off to sleep. I slept for about 2 hours, not realizing what was going on. But when I had woke up, I started asking my friend for a popsicle. He then said “honey, what did you say?”. “I can’t understand you.”
When he said that, I said to him look at my face, do it look like I had a stroke. He didn’t know what to look for on my face, but when I tried to get up, I couldn’t stand. Then I knew what had taken place. We rushed to the hospital where I was for almost 2 months. That’s my story, that brings me to where I am today, trying to get more help for rehabilitation.