Sophie’s Story

Sophie was healthy and very active until age 7. She was an ice skater, soccer player, loved swimming, going to the park, and playing outside as much as possible. Then in Feb. 2016, she had what we and her doctors believed to be typical childhood viruses. This lasted about 4 weeks and during this time she did have periods of recovery.
However, the day before Easter, March 2016, she woke up paralyzed from the waist down. She had no sensation or feeling from the waist down. She had this paralysis for about 12 weeks then her great toe began to move. Slowly, she started getting stronger. With her bilateral leg braces and walker, she was able to walk again. However, she had another attack in November 2016, the week of Thanksgiving. Since that attack, we have been working hard to get back what little strength she gained after the first attack. The G-EO has the ability to help her in so many ways. The use alone will help her circulation, help keep her bones strong for proper growing and the stimulation will help her muscles get stronger. We are so excited for her to use this machine.
This grant would take a huge financial burden off of our family and allow our daughter to have the best chance for the best recovery.