Nyoka’s Story

New Year’s Eve 2016 I decided to go out with friends to a New Year’s Eve party. On our way back home from the party we were going around a 90° curve and all of a sudden the car was flipping and I was ejected and broke three bones in my neck but the C6 vertebrae is what severed my spinal cord. I was in the hospital for over 3 1/2 months and learned all I could there about what happened to me and since I was only 17 years old, it was very hard to cope with what happened especially since not too long after it happened my friends would disappear and I would be left with just my mom, dad and sister to deal with everything. This year will be the sixth year and although there are plenty of things I probably should have been doing regularly, I just now got to where I realized I need to be doing better for myself and I am more willing to do whatever I need to in order to be taken care of myself properly.
This grant will mean the absolute world to me not only because it will help get me the type of physical therapy that I need but because where I’m from doesn’t have the best type of care especially for someone with my physical disability and being able to travel to the facility and receive the extensive type of therapy that I need would also get me in a position to be more independent and put myself in the position to do big things on my own for once and help put me in the right headspace