Kiara’s Story

While standing in the kitchen facing him, he stood up, pulled his gun out, and shot me in the neck. I immediately fell back onto the floor, becoming instantly paralyzed from the waist down. I ended up with a trach in my neck, a spit fistula bag on my neck (can only drink into), my esophagus cut from my stomach, a g-tube, and I lost over 50 pounds. But months and almost a year later, I was able to eat and drink again, talk without my trach, I gained all of my weight back plus more, learned the basics of living with an SCI, and I was finally able to go home.
Over the last 7 to 8 years, I have been actively doing outpatient physical therapy to be more independent and learn how to walk with KAFO braces and a walker. It has been tough but I never gave up and will never give up. I continue to make progress in almost every session and I am determined to reach my goal of walking with arm crutches or a walker that rolls with the seat.