My name is Eric Freeman. I am 24 years old. I have a 2 year old son that keeps me pushing and thriving to get better. Before my accident I worked as a welder while my fiancé went to school and stayed home with our son.
On September 15, 2014 my life changed forever in the blink of my eye. I was on my way home from working overtime at my welding job and I looked down at my phone for a split second to make a phone call and I flipped my truck 4 times after crashing. I was thrown from my truck and had a broken neck, collarbone, both shoulders, fractured spleen and punctured lung. I went to the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, GA from the end of Sept. to the beginning of January where I learned about SCI and how to live with a SCI. If it wasn’t for my son and my families support I wouldn’t be here today. They keep me pushing forward. I’d like to go as far as I can with my recovery and be able to use my whole body again to play with my son.