In short, I am a 39 year old, husband, father, son and brother that happens to be a quadriplegic, tetraplegic, quad or whatever you prefer to call it. I guess I shouldn’t say I happen to be a quad but rather quadriplegia happened to me. About 5 years ago I was on vacation with my 2 year old son and my then pregnant wife. We went for an evening swim and as I’ve done a million times I dove threw a wave to avoid being toppled. Who knew at that moment our lives would be drastically changed forever. I’m not sure if it was the shear impact of the wave or if I hit a hidden sand bar but like momma always warned, I finally did it, I broke my neck. For the more detailed story visit http://quad-life.com/the-accident/
This grant will allow me to do exercises that I cannot physically do without the assistance of a trained professional for at least 2hrs per week. I was mentally and physically better off when I’ve done these types of activity in the past. I know my wife and kids will be grateful for a happier healthier me.