I went to ER because of really bad stomach pains. I can’t even count how many times I have been. I went to the gastro doctor. He sent me straight to the ER. The ER kept me & said I needed to have my gallbladder removed. They removed it 5-19-16 & I had a stroke 5-26-16. I was in/out of sleep for about 3 hrs. not knowing I was having a stroke. The ambulance took me to the hospital & that’s when it was official about having a stroke. I was there for about a week and they released me to CMS-Rehab. I was there for 2 days & then back to the hospital. A few days went by & I went back to CMS-Rehab. 2 days later I was still complaining about stomach pain. I found out that the surgeon did small intestine surgery. I was in the hospital 2 weeks. 1 (Presbyterian) & 1(Wake Forest). Finally I landed back in CMC-Rehab. I stayed there for 3 weeks & went home to receive the same rehab. PT, OT, speech therapists, and nurse. From then and now I am still doing therapy.